20953/MGR Chennai Central - Ahmedabad SF Express (PT)
Find information like MGR Chennai Central - Ahmedabad SF Express (20953) Train Time Table, Coach Position, Schedule, Pantry and Catering Info etc.
20953/MGR Chennai Central - Ahmedabad SF Express (MGR Chennai Central to Ahmedabad Jn) Train Info
Complete information of 20953/MGR Chennai Central - Ahmedabad SF Express train which runs from MGR Chennai Central (MAS) to Ahmedabad Junction (ADI) are provided. Info like MGR Chennai Central - Ahmedabad SF Express (20953) Train Time Table, Coach Position and Schedule are section wise given below. Others information like Train Type, Zone of the Train Rake, Pantry and Catering info etc. of MGR Chennai Central - Ahmedabad SF Express (Train Number 20953) are also provided.
MGR Chennai Central - Ahmedabad SF Express (20953) Rake/Coach Position
MGR Chennai Central - Ahmedabad SF Express (20953) default Rake/Coach Position is shown below. But Train 20953 coach position can be changed any time due to various reasons without notice. This train has total 18 coaches excluding train engine (locomotive) having different classes. Please check the position of your coach so that you can find it easily at the time of journey.
MGR Chennai Central - Ahmedabad SF Express (20953) Train Schedule
MGR Chennai Central - Ahmedabad SF Express (20953) Train Schedule with platform numbers is given below.
MGR Chennai Central - Ahmedabad SF Express (20953) Train Time Table/Timing
MGR Chennai Central - Ahmedabad SF Express (20953) Train Time Table/Timing is given below. The Train 20953 Timetable contains arrival, departure and halt times in all stopping stations, platform numbers, distance of each stopping stations from starting point etc.
Sl NoStation Name (Stn. Code)ArrivalDepartureHalt# DayPlatformDistance (km)Zone
Sl. No.
Station Name (Stn. Code)Arr.
DayHaltPFDist. (km)Zone
20953/MGR Chennai Central - Ahmedabad SF Express Train at a Glance
20953/MGR Chennai Central - Ahmedabad SF Express is a Superfast Train runs from MGR Chennai Central (MAS) to Ahmedabad Jn (ADI) once in a week. This train departs from MGR Chennai Central at 03:50 pm and reaches Ahmedabad Jn on the next day at 09:15 pm. MGR Chennai Central - Ahmedabad SF Express (20953) train covers total 1718 km in 29h 25m during its journey and it has total 25 halts between MGR Chennai Central and Ahmedabad Junction stations.
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