Home  >  Meerut City Jn to Khurja Jn Trains  >  Meerut City - Khurja Passenger (Train Number 54402)

54402/Meerut City - Khurja Passenger

Find information like Meerut City - Khurja Passenger (54402) Train Time Table, Coach Position, Schedule, Pantry and Catering Info etc.

54402/Meerut City - Khurja Passenger (Meerut City Jn to Khurja Jn) Train Info

Complete information of 54402/Meerut City - Khurja Passenger (Unreserved) train which runs from Meerut City Junction (MTC) to Khurja Junction (KRJ) are provided. Info like Meerut City - Khurja Passenger (54402) Train Time Table, Coach Position and Schedule are section wise given below. Others information like Train Type, Zone of the Train Rake, Pantry and Catering info etc. of Meerut City - Khurja Passenger (Train Number 54402) are also provided.

Train Info
Train Type
Rake Zone
North Central Railway (NCR)
Pantry Car
Not Available
On-Board Catering
Not Available
Not Available

Meerut City - Khurja Passenger (54402) Rake/Coach Position

Meerut City - Khurja Passenger (54402) default Rake/Coach Position is shown below. But Train 54402 coach position can be changed any time due to various reasons without notice. This train has total 7 coaches excluding train engine (locomotive) having different classes. Please check the position of your coach so that you can find it easily at the time of journey.


Meerut City - Khurja Passenger (54402) Train Schedule

Meerut City - Khurja Passenger (54402) Train Schedule with platform numbers is given below.

Departs at 05:25
Platform No: 4
Meerut City Jn (MTC)
  • Sun
  • Mon
  • Tue
  • Wed
  • Thu
  • Fri
  • Sat
Arrives at 09:30
Platform No:
Khurja Jn (KRJ)
  • Sun
  • Mon
  • Tue
  • Wed
  • Thu
  • Fri
  • Sat
Distance: 94 km
Travel Time: 4h 5m
Average Speed: 23 km/hr

Meerut City - Khurja Passenger (54402) Train Time Table/Timing

Meerut City - Khurja Passenger (54402) Train Time Table/Timing is given below. The Train 54402 Timetable contains arrival, departure and halt times in all stopping stations, platform numbers, distance of each stopping stations from starting point etc.

Meerut City - Khurja Passenger (54402) has 12 halts between Meerut City Junction and Khurja Junction

54402/Meerut City - Khurja Passenger Train at a Glance

54402/Meerut City - Khurja Passenger is a Passenger Train runs from Meerut City Jn (MTC) to Khurja Jn (KRJ) everyday. This train departs from Meerut City Jn at 05:25 am and reaches Khurja Jn on the same day at 09:30 am. Meerut City - Khurja Passenger (54402) train covers total 94 km in 4h 5m during its journey and it has total 12 halts between Meerut City Junction and Khurja Junction stations.

More Trains run between Meerut City Jn (MTC) and Khurja Jn (KRJ)

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